Momma, I really don't think this is my best side.

What?! I'm just sitting here!

Here I am as Princess of the Month for January 2001.
My jewels are so pretty and Momma even let me wear earrings!

And here is my award. Thank you Princess Hope!

And we haven't gotten to go out in several years so I sleep on the bed most of the day. Boooring!

Or here....ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz

But the bed is best on my would be better with treats though.

January 28, 2012
Sabeen has gone to be a Bridge Angel. She was having trouble eating and I suspected her teeth again.
She had a tumor under her tongue and her surgeon couldn't help her. I chose to not wake her up.

OK, Where We Goin' Next?

Send us Meowmail!

Background from:

Sets of whiskers have passed this way.
<bgsound src="cat-meow5.wav">