My name is French Toast for some obvious reasons. Momma actually named me long before I came to own her. I was born in April of 1996 and I owned Momma's friends and neighbors Michelle and Scott but always held a special place for my now Momma. When Michelle and Scott moved away I missed the condo life where I could go outside a little bit and everyone knew me. The house we went to live in wasn't in a safe place for kitties to go out and I was not happy. I got very fat and lazy and developed a very bad attitude. They moved a couple more times but just never understood that I wanted a yard or safe place to play outside! When they finally decided to move to New York out in the boonies I thought I would have a yard at last. But they gots a d-o-g and I didn't like him. I didn't like moving all the time either so Momma gave me my old life back at the condo!
Anyways, when Momma first saw me as a kitten she said I looked like a piece of French Toast! All swirly and stuff and I liked that name better than Rusty or Cinnamon like they were thinking of naming me. They called me French but Momma calls me her Little Toast Kitty or The Toaster. She also calls me Little Girl and that makes me happy.
When I first came back to the condo life, I wasn't feeling too good. I had lost a lot of weight very fast and had very bad breath. Momma took me to TED right away and found my liver was upset at my teeth. I had to take the yucky white medicine for a while then one day TED made me sleep and when I woke up my teeth were all clean. It was a pleasure to eat well again and over the winter I started to get fat. Momma bought me all kinds of toys like my fav the squeeky mouse, a turbo scratcher so I can chase that ball around and around, a cat tree of myne own, and best of all I get to go outside sometimes.
After a rough start with those other kitties in the house, I sleep with Momma almost every night now. Sabeen doesn't like that I took her spot but that's too bad. Keena still growls at me when she just looks at me so I don't go in her room. She's just a big meany is all. She likes my kitty tree enough though.
I mean really, how cute am I? Take a look below and you'll see what I mean. Everyone here loves me and I greet everyone with an "eek!' and a tail waving high. The nice lady next door lets me come in to say hi sometimes and her husband loves me lots. She had to give her kitties away because she gots very bad allergies and had a lot of trouble breathing. It's ok though cause her Mom has them and she can see them still and I fill her need for kitty lovins when she needs me.
Well thanks for coming by to say hello. It's time to go visiting now and maybe stop for a bite to eat. See ya!
Sad Update: On July 2, 2009 I came home to find Toast very lethargic and vomiting green. I rushed her to the vet who sent us to the ER. So many tests were done and all of the news was bad. Toast had a huge mass on her pancreas. I visited with her the whole holiday weekend at the ER and Monday surgery was performed to see if they could help her. Sadly they could not...the cancer was everywhere and I chose to let her go to The Bridge. All the money in the world could not save her. She was perfect at her last checkup and the cancer came on quickly. The doctors told me even if we knew it was there it would have taken her. I let my girl go at 2 PM July 6, 2009 with all my love and tears. I hope to have a memorial page for her soon. She was so very special I need to take my time with it. My heart is broken and I miss her so. Rest well my girl. Momma loves you.
Her page is finished...written on the anniversary of her first missed birthday. A day we shared. Please use the menu below to read it.